
Data Warehouse


Changes in technology have had a major impact on businesses, allowing companies to easily retrieve and store valuable data about their customers, products and employees. Having timely access to accurate and detailed data can assist organizations in making sound business decisions. Data warehouse benefits include:

  • Consistency and accuracy of data - data warehouse design ensures that data is collected in a consistent and uniform manner, which ensures that information from the data warehouse can be interpreted in a meaningful way, aiding in decision making.

  • Trend analysis - access to historical data can assist business leaders in defining strategies for the future.

Third Life Software has provided data warehousing services to our clients for many years. We offer efficient and professional data warehousing services, helping your business to plan, design, build, test, implement and support the best data warehousing solution for your business.



Delivering the right information to the right users is a key business requirement in a global economy. Reporting provides a means to share information that supports operational and strategic business operations. Reporting benefits include:

  • better business decisions

  • improved data quality as poor data is easily identified

  • improved operational efficiency

  • input into strategic business planning

  • increased competitive advantage

Third Life Software has provided report design, build, test, implementation and support services to a wide range of clients for a number of years. Services include the production of reporting solutions in a number of formats to suit your business requirements.

Line of Business (LOB)


Line of Business (LOB) applications that organizations rely on to run their businesses are critical to the day to day operations and to the success of the business. LOB software can provide efficiencies that take the business to a new level and can be used to push ahead of the competition by offering a competitive advantage. LOB applications can vary in complexity and can be specific to an industry or a function within the business (such as Accounts Payable, Human Resources, etc.).

Third Life Software has worked with numerous clients to design complex and efficient LOB applications that have streamlined and automated business processes. Designing systems that provide custom internal tools to organizations that modernize process is a core element of our business.

Legacy Application Upgrades/Lifecycle


Upgrading legacy software that has been a staple for your business for many years may seem to be a daunting task, especially if the system is working as it should and is a key part of the business. Due to the rapid changes in technology these legacy systems are likely out of date and may not be providing the most efficient or cost-efffective solution to your business requirements. Legacy systems may not have been designed for the mobile world of today, upgrading will allow your company to use tools that your clients and consumers demand.

The benefits of upgrading to a new application for your core business needs are:

  • modernization of out dated legacy applications

  • a better user experience using state of the art tools and technology

  • compatability with other cloud based technology (out dated legacy systems may no longer function with newer systems)

  • scalability; if your business has grown since the legacy software was developed it may have limitations

Third Life Software has worked with many clients to assess their business needs and upgrade aging technology to newer and more efficient software systems. We provide full lifecycle project services, providing you with the assurance that your software upgrade will be completed in a timely and efficient manner.

Systems Integration


Systems integration is critical for businesses to support today’s digital demands. This critical integration demands systems that securely interface and connect from a mobile office into the enterprise, enabling you to distribute and manage the real-time flow of information that’s so essential to agile business operations.

Third Life Software has worked with many clients to enable business change and evolution through our complete range of business technology services and solutions – at the core of which is systems integration.